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Hennecke Fleet Consulting


Hennecke Fleet Consulting offers consulting services for fleet management in various areas


The following is a deep dive into the topic of health, safety and environment (HSE), in order to give you an idea about our services in that area of competence.


Health & Safety in Fleet

Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) in Fleet and Mobility should be important goals for each company.​ Managing HSE means to assess the risks related to it, and to take actions to ensure and improve it.

Assessesing health & safety risks


Health and Safety risks harm the health of your drivers and other people first of all, but they also affect your vehicles and other assets, like infrastructure or transported goods.


Questions to be answered:

  • How big is the risks from accidents in your fleet? Accidents directly affect human life and assets. What is the likelihood and what is the damage potential?

  • Do driving/travel conditions have an indirect negative impact on your driver's health? E.g. with regards to the work-productivity of your sales and service employees?

  • Do you have any company specific risks resulting from your business? E.g. from transporting dangerous goods or working under extreme working conditions?

Management of health & safety in fleet


In order to ensure optimal Health & Safety in your Fleet, you basically have to deal with two things: The vehicles themselves and the drivers' behaviour.


Management activities - with an increasing level of pro-activeness - are:

  • Statistics: Collect data on accidents and driving related health problems. This will enable you to measure Health & Safety and is the basis for corrective activities.

  • Rules: As a first step to actively manage Health & Safety you can implement (= define and monitor) certain rules with regards to vehicles and driving behaviour:

    • Certain vehicle-characteristics (e.g. NCAP-rating, safety features and equipment,...) via car policy

    • Internal rules for driving (e.g. responsibility for certain vehicle checks,...) via internal codes of practice / formal agreements

    • Required vehicle checks by law (e.g. periodical checks, specific checks for load carrying vehicles,...)

    • Required driver checks by law (e.g. driver license check, driver obligations,...)


  • Training: Driver training (behind-the-wheel-training, classroom,  online,...) can help to reduce Health & Safety risks and improve driver health. Here you have basically two alternatives:

    • Standard periodical training for all drivers

    • More pro-active training for specific drivers, e.g. after a certain event (accident, traffic-fine,...)

  • Risk-Identification: Ultimately you can try to identify Health & Safety risks in advance and undertake preventive actions. This can happen e.g. by analysis of the historical data (accidents, fines), telematics data; or by clustering certain risk types of drivers. (Note: Specific data privacy laws per country need to be considered here.)

We help you to assess the risks in your fleet regarding Health & Safety and to implement the appropriate system to manage it.


Environment and Fleet


Assessesing the environmental impact  of your fleet


Looking at environmental aspects of your fleet and travel operations, you have to deal with:


  • Emission of CO2 and NOx

  • Consumption of engery (fuel, electicity,...)

  • Consumtion of other ressources (e.g. with regards to plastics use) 


Oher than in Health & Safety (where a single event can have significant immediate impact) the goal regarding environment is more the long-term optimization of your eco-strategy . 

Manage environmental aspects


With regards to the basic activities, the management of environmental aspects is similar to Health & Safety (see more detailed above):

  • Statistics: Reporting on the emission and consumption of your vehicles. Depending on how important this is for you, you can either retrieve most of those values from the vehicle manufacturers, or get more precise data from different sources (fuel consumption, telematics...)

  • Rules: Implementing rules (car policy, internal codes of conduct,...)in order to consider emission and consumption during vehicle selection and utilisation. 

  • Training: Specific training to drivers to improve eco-friendly driving..

  • Optimize on company level: An additional challenge results from the fact that more important than emission and consumption for individual vehicles are the aggregated values for the total fleet. This can lead to complex decisions how to balance the environmental aspects of different groups of cars/drivers.

Note: Although alternative drivetrain technologies (electric vehicles, etc.) can play a key role in reaching environmental goals, many companies still do not use them yet. One of the main reasons for the reluctance of companies is their unceratinty about costs and risks of those new technologies. See our related article about EV in corporate fleets.

We help you to get a clear reporting on emission and consumption of your fleet and to manage your fleet with specific view to environmental goals. CONTACT US.

Compliant with health, safety & environment in your fleet?

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