Hennecke Fleet Consulting
Which suppliers and technology are available for fleet management?

Modern fleet management makes use of various suppliers and technologies. Suppliers deliver vehicles, operating supplies and services. Specific technology comprises hardware and software.
Below you find an general overview over the types of suppliers and available technology in fleet management. Further we address the core challenges regarding fleet suppliers and technology, such as how to design the ideal strategic setup and how to manage efficiently in daily business.
Finally we inform about our services that we offer to manage suppliers and technology in your fleet.
Overview: Suppliers and Technology
Suppliers for fleet management provide hardware, software and services. They provide those either directly to the fleets, or indirectly as sub-suppliers for other providers of software and services.
The following framework gives you an overview of different types of suppliers and technology for fleet management:

Most important types of suppliers are listed below. For some of them: click to get more information on other parts of this website.
Hardware suppliers
Tires, glass, parts, oil,..
Fuel, electricity
Additional fittings
Load safety equipment
Telematics hardware
Charging infrastructure
Cabinets for key/ document handling
Driver license check hardware
Software suppliers
Fleet management/ administration
Vehicle ordering
Vehicle remarketing
Poolcar management
Damage and repair handling
Route planning and locating
Driving style analysis
Driver training
Driver license check
Driver logbook
Vehicle inspection, AI-based
New mobility alternatives
Services suppliers
Outsourced fleet management
Leasing/ rental
New mobility alternatives
Service, maintenance, repair
Damage/ claims handling
Fuel, glass, tires,... -handling
Registration, transport
Cleaning, smart repair
Driver training
THG quotas
Vehicle inspection
Challenges regarding suppliers and technology
Challenges for fleet managers
For fleet managers we see four challenges in managing their suppliers and technoology, both on the strategic and operational level: Defining the strategic setup and selecting suppliers, as well as managing the established supplier relationship efficiently. All of them are important with regards to the costs of the fleet and for other goals like driver satisfaction, or health & safety:
Strategic setup of suppliers: To what extend to you want to outsource activities, unbundle services and use a multi-supplier-setup? For example: Shall a full service leasing company handle most activities for you, or do you want to source vehicles, supplies yourself and manage various activities with different software solutions? For more info about these questions see strategy.
Select technology: Which of multiple technolgies to apply? In some case, alternative technologies are avialabl. Not only regarding drivetrains of vehicles (electric, hydrogen vs. combustion), but also for newer services like telematics (dongle vs. web-based data) or car key handling (cabinet vs. keyless-open). Regarding specific technolgies follow the links above.
Select suppliers: In case multiple suppliers exist for specific hardware, software or services: Which one to select? This requires first a good overview over the existing suppliers, and then a structured selection process/ tender management.
Supplier management: How to manage the operational relationship to your existing suppliers? This includes invoice control as well as definition and measurement of SLA and KPI and a regular communication with uppliers.
Above decisions about suppliers and technology are complex because of the variety of alternatives and various interdependencies. A further challenge is a limited market transparency, specifically regarding "younger" suppliers of software, hardware and service in new market segments like fleet management software, vehicle telematics or artificial intelligence.
Challenges for suppliers in the the fleet market:
From the opposite viewpoint, the challenges for suppliers to company fleets is to optimally approach their fleet customers.
The main challeges are to understand their customers needs, define the market strategy, eventually find partners to team up with and finally do the sales. For more info on this perspective, see our services regarding the fleet market.
OUR SERVICES regarding fleet suppliers and technology

Hennecke Fleet Consulting supports you with consulting services regading the broad range of suppliers and tecnology in fleet management in Germany and internationally.
​We also support you in the execution of projects with change, project and interim management.
​See here for more info about our fleet market support services.
Alternatively you can CONTACT US directly.