Hennecke Fleet Consulting
Fleet Management: Fleets, tasks, challenges
Definition: Fleet management are all strategic and operational activities of a company or other entity to manage vehicles and drivers plus the required infrastructure in order to optimize fleet costs and reach other goals of fleet management.
(See similar definitions at NAFA - National Association of Fleet Administrators)
Below read more about fleet management: How to we define fleet management by differentiating per types of fleets, the different areas of fleet management and the level or focus of fleet management activities. Find links to info about specific challenges in fleet management.
Or jump directly and learn about Our Consulting Services regarding fleet management.
Definition by types of vehicle fleets
Fleet management must first of all be differenciated by types of fleets. This can by done regarding vehicle type, purpose of the fleet as well as the size and geographical scope of the fleet:​​
Vehicle types:
Passenger cars
Transporters/ LCV
Trucks & trailers
Fleet purpose:
Benefit car fleet
Sales fleet
Service fleet
Delivery fleet
Geographic scope:
Local fleet
Regional/ national fleet
International fleet
Fleet size:
Small fleet (<100)
Mid size fleet (100-1.000)
Large fleet (>1.000)
Short term rental
More info about different types of fleets specifically in Germany, you find here: German fleet market.
Definition by activities in fleet management
Fleet management comprises the following areas of activity:

Fleet structure: Decisions about the required vehicle types, financing strategy, supplier strategy, ...
In-Fleeting: Activies related to ordering and delivery of new vehicles
In-Life Administration: Service and maintenance, damage handling, fuel card management,..
Daily handling: Route planning, vehicle key handling, handover between drivers,...
Drivers: Driver helpdesk, driver license checks, driver training,..
De-Fleeting: Decision about the timing, vehicle assessment, remarketing,..
Organisation of fleet management: Car policy, process descriptions, fleet management software
New mobility: Specific focus on how to integrate alterantives like car sharing, ride hailing, public transport
Note: Not all activities are relevant in all types of fleets - depending on the type of fleet, different activities will be of different importance.
For example in a fleet of benefit passenger cars, the ordering process via an automated car configurator will be important, while the retrofitting of specific equiment into the vicles or the daily planning of routes or capacity will not be relevant. For a delivery fleet of vans and trucks, it will be just vice versa.
Levels of fleet management
Challenges of fleet management can finally be classified by the level and focus of activities regarding all areas from above:​​

Strategic level: Decisions about fleet structure, supplier setup, selection of fleet management software,...
Operational level: Activities regarding operational processes like vehicle ordering, supplier management, daily handling, ...
Technology level: Specific focus on available hardware and software solutions to support fleet management activities
Supplier level: Selection and management of suppliers for fleet management services and technology
Costs: Specific focus on how to achieve cost savings by means of fleet strategy, operations or technology
Other goals: Specific focus on how to reach goals like driver satisfaction or health, safety and environment
Note: This scheme from above - levels and goals of fleet management activities, per area of fleet management - is also our proven tool for a standardized analysis of any type of fleet, as described here: fleet management consulting services.
Specific challenges in fleet management
Find more detailed background info about specific challenges in fleet management , see the following subpages of this website as grouped in the section "special topics":​​
Fleet management:
Fleet management software
Key handling
Electric vehicles
THG quotas
Our papers and articles:
Future of fleet management
Fleet management and Covid-19
Electric vehicles in company fleets
OUR SERVICES in Fleet Management

Hennecke Fleet Consulting supports you with consulting services regading all types of vehicle fleets, all areas of fleet management activities and all levels of fleet management.
We also support you in the execution of projects with change, project and interim management.
​For more info on our services see on this website:
Alternatively you can CONTACT US directly.