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Hennecke Fleet Consulting
Published Articles by Marcus Hennecke (to be found also on LinkedIn and XING)
10/2020: Future of fleet management - interview with OviDrive:
How rising trends and technology are impacting fleet management - what are the challenges of fleet management in the next 10 years. Regarding automation and digitisation, inhouse vs outsourcing, electric vehicles, connectivity, GDPR and the role of fleet managers.
05/2020: Corporate mobility in Covid19-times:
Empirical findings about changes of urban mobility during Covid19 (from BCG consulting company). Plus conclusions for companies with vehicles and mobility needs.
01/2020: Electric Vehicles in Company Fleets:
Facts and Figures from 2 empirical studies (CMA Germany, Avrios Switzerland). Plus conclusions for you as a vehicle fleet operator.
Interviews in the media:
10/2023: "Bereit für den Flottenmarkt? Chinese EV in German fleets" - Annemarie Schneider in German magazine "Autoflotte"
11/2022: "In 7 Schritten zur Elektroauto-Flotte" - Jennifer Garic in German magazine "Impulse"
10/2021: "Flottenchefs in Versuchung" - Steffen Ermisch in German newspaper "Handelsblatt" (for Pdf copy contact me)
08/2020: "CMaaS - Geschäftsreise leicht gemacht" - Susanne Löw in German magazine "Firmenauto"
08/2020: "CMaaS - Ein Einzelfall als Schablone" - Rocco Swantusch in German magazine "Autoflotte"
06/2020: "CMaaS will betriebliche Mobilität vereinfachen" - Clemens Noll-Velten in German magazine "BfP Fuhrpark & Management​
06/2020: "CMaaS - Flexibles Mobilitätsbudget" - Stefan Schmudermaier in Austrian magazine "Flotte"
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